Mireya C


Within the canvas of my imagination, where life and death intertwine in a macabre dance of beauty and humor, my creations are born. Elegant skeletons, with their mischievous smiles and bones adorned with vibrant flowers, invite us to reflect on the fleeting nature of existence and the transcendence of love.

My creations are not limited to two dimensions. In clay, a noble and malleable material, the essence of life and death takes shape. Delicate flowers sprout between precisely carved bones, while colorful skulls observe us with a mischievous and defiant gaze. In my sculptures, traditions blend with fantasy, creating a unique universe where the earthly and the celestial meet in perfect harmony.

My art is a celebration of life and death, an ode to the beauty hidden in the ephemeral, and a tribute to love that transcends the limits of time.

My passion for art was born with me, like a natural breath, an imperative need to express myself. From my first steps, my hands traced lines in the dirt or drew animals on any surface I found. Art has been my faithful companion throughout my life, a source of inspiration and a refuge in difficult times.

Through my works, I aim to create a dialogue with the viewer, inviting them to reflect on life, death, and love. My goal is for each person who confronts one of my creations to find something that resonates in their soul, an emotion, a memory, or a simple smile.