Marisol Barroso


Marisol Barrosso De Robina, born December 4th, 1979. Mexico Marketer by profession, Artist by vocation. Dedicated to painting for some more than a decade, although since an early age she really liked and was interested on painting and arts. Descendant of a family always related to bullfighting, from which she got the like to equestrian, bullfighting, and abstract art.

Her artistic expression is mainly in oil and resin, either on canvas or wood. Clay, marble dust and other elements applications, to get a vivid sense and texture to her artwork.

For me, painting is a way of making myself known. It is a personal gift, to recognize ME, in all my aspects and multiple facets.
It demands and inspires me to be, as it is, since no one can hide from a canvas. The essence is reflected, as in a mirror, there is nothing that can be hidden, it is simply there, waiting to say something.”
“The hardest and most enriching part for an artist will always be an exhibition, since it is the moment to bring to light what you are. It’s hard, since it’s a detachment, it’s letting go of a part of you, you can’t help but feel exposed. But it is enriching, since there is a transformation that integrates and becomes someone else.

That’s where art comes from… when it is valued, felt, and perceived in so many ways. It is a vital chain of great importance.