Painting Breasts

Painting Breasts


Mercedes Godoy is a Mexican painter who founded in 2009 Pintadita a tu salud” (a color stroke for your health). This project consists in paintings made by breast cancer survivors and volunteer artists, in a process to accept a painful event and heal, mind and spirit, through painting an art piece with their breasts, painting breasts.

Mercedes Godoy was inspired by an Australian painter, Wendi Di Peel who has painted original art pieces for many years using her breasts.

Pintadita a tu salud” has helped more than 4,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer, producing more than 700 paintings made by breast cancer survivors and sports and entertainment leaders.

In LeArtem we have stated that Art comes from the heart and therefore speaks to the heart, but this requires an attitude and a disposition of the spectator to be able to listen; a kind of emotional and spiritual sensitivity to be able to receive that generous gift that artists give to us in each of their works, and this project “Pintadita a tu salud” is definitely a gift from these survivors to all of us.

Congratulations to Mercedes Godoy and thank you to all these artists and survivors!!!!

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