A Palestinian bomb exploded at 3 feet from Yaron Bob, it could be a tragedy, but this Israeli artist survived. After that incident, Bob started a project, a therapy, and an artwork, he transforms missile debris into art pieces, art for peace.

There is only one condition for Bob, he only uses missile debris that didn´t caused human casualties. Somewhere in the border between Israel, Egypt, and Gaza this Israeli artist creates sculptures with material that the police gather for his artwork.

His idea is to “transform a symbol for death and destruction into a symbol for light”. So, he creates seven and nine arms chandeliers, as well as roses, doves, keychains, and other objects that are sold to collectors around the world. His intention for himself is to feel away from a war conflict, to feel like “a normal person”. Bob wanted to create something that speaks of growth and prosperity and to make something out of the destruction and ruin of the Kassam missiles.

At the same time, a Palestinian artist, Basel al-Atawna paints conceptual murals and cement sculptures in Gaza, normally inspired in Palestinian prisoners. His first painting was made when he was imprisoned, he painted a gift for one of his partners´ niece, he painted it with dried black pens.

At one of the most important squares in Gaza there is exhibited one of his murals: a man with his arms tied, and his head lowered in front of a clock, symbolizing that for a prisoner time stops at the time he is detained.

Basel dreams with going out of Gaza and visit art museums around the world, to be in direct contact with Art, but he cannot.

In LeArtem we have already stated that Art contributes to reestablish the spirit of man, by sharing the spirit of the artist through his works. This phenomenon is catalyzed in strong or dramatic events, either for the artists or for those who appreciate their artworks. Today the need to rebuild the human spirit through Art is more relevant.

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